Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Well, If Benjamin Franklin Says So...

My daughter kicks cootie-coated boy butt!

Imagine this:  Yesterday in a lunchroom reeking of sloppy Joe, a mohawk-wearing first-grade boy takes a poll, by show of hands.

Boy: "Put your hand up if you wish there were never ever ever ever ever (ad nauseum) any girls in the universe?"

Alyssa:  "If there were no girls, there would be no boys, because girls are the mommies."  (Darn straight!  And don't you boys forget it.)

Boy:  Imagine some unintelligible, unimportant retort, like, "nuh-uh."

Alyssa:  "Besides, Benjamin Franklin said we are all created equal!"

Oh, yes she did!  She quoted (well, paraphrased) Benjamin Franklin.  That is my girl!  I couldn't even convince high school SAT students to use quotes as evidence in their essay arguments...  Look out world!  (Or at least, look out second grade!)