Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Somewhere Between "It's Too Late Baby" and "Stuck Like Glue"

So that you can understand what the hang I am talking about, I have provided links to several music videos for your listening pleasure.  First of all:

Gloria Estefan - "It's Too Late"

Sugarland - "Stuck Like Glue"

I hope you enjoyed these songs and that they are now fresh in your mind (and stuck in your head for the rest of the day!) because I think that these songs are representative of the extremes of married life:  On any given day, you're somewhere between "It's Too Late" and "Stuck Like Glue."  And that is okay.

You shouldn't expect to feel all Train - "Marry Me Today and Everyday" every day.  It's just.  Not.  Realistic.

Basically, as long as it's not, like, Joan Jett - "I Hate Myself for Loving You", Cee-Lo Green - "Forget You," or worst Ashton Shepherd - "Look it Up," you are doing just fine.  Don't call the clergy person, counselor, attorney, police.  Put the phone (and/or the weapon) down.

After all, "No One Said it Would be Easy" (Sheryl Crow).

*I dedicate this post to my bestie, Nikki, who uses songs in conversation like this all of the time!  If no one else does, she will truly appreciate this :-)


  1. I think you are becoming my favorite blog!

    I find that sometimes, the only way to express something correctly is through song lyrics and/or music in general.

  2. Thank you so much! I am glad you like it!

  3. Kateri, do you mind if I link to your blog...think it's called a reciprocal link?

  4. Link it! Link it! I have much reading time On my hands this week...

  5. I love finding songs that describe my life. This was so creative.
