Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Monday, May 23, 2011

Excessively Gay: Like, We Weren't Prepared for It

This is a short version (more to follow--need the to talk it out):

We were invited to a gay friend's birthday party at a gay club.

We were prepared for it to be pretty gay.

Nothing could have prepared us for the utter gayness of that gay club.

Thankfully, those guys really love them some Katy Perry, so that was good.  Greg and I danced the night away.  Literally, we were there until after 2AM.  Then, it took us a while to decompress from the sensory overload of the light show, the lasers, the booming club music, the smoke, the mist, the crowdedness, the alcohol...the overwhelming gayness.

We don't get out much (read: EVER!!!), and then we went out to the most extreme of extreme places (in York, at least).  We should have paced ourselves.  We should have started out at a pub for dinner, then maybe A DRINK at A BAR, and then maybe an evening of dancing at a straight club, and THEN AND ONLY THEN attempted the gay club.

Lesson learned.

Still exhausted.  (We probably fell asleep after 3AM, and we were up at 8AM to pick up Brooke and go to church.  Yep--it was Brooke's first overnight away from us in her almost 13 months.  ...I told you we don't get out much!!)

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