Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh, My!...What is a Reciprocal Link?

Oh, my gosh!  I have been trying to spend some time this evening researching ways to increase traffic to my blog.  Unfortunately, I am not the most computer literate person.  Translation:  I have a list of suggestions that I don't understand a bit.  Translation:  I have a lot of Googling to do.

Yes, it's official; I am in over my head with trying to's all pingy this and domain name that.  eHow, eHow?  Where are you? me!  I want to generate good traffic and take Momglomerate global, but I have SO much to learn.

To those of you who seem to be much more technically proficient than I:  I want to sincerely thank some readers for apparently linking the blog to Facebook!  I don't know how you did it, but I am really very appreciative.  I have been getting more and more traffic every day.

If anyone else knows how to link me to other relevant pages, please feel free to do so--and by all means, explain it to me!  (And if anyone knows a tutor for blog-optimization, that would be helpful, too!)

I'm going to keep looking at CPCs, CPMs, affiliate links, privacy policies, guest posting, community sites, blogcarnivals...  and what the bleep is a reciprocal link, anyway?

(Need OJ very badly.)

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