Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Never On My Own

I was just reading my friend's blog, Never On My Own.  I like the duplicity of that name.

In one respect, it expresses the exasperation and over-exposure of the mother of young children; as in: Will I ever be able to use the bathroom alone AGAIN?

In another respect all together, it relates to the overwhelming loneliness that can be felt simultaneously in the same role: Will I ever speak to another adult (about anything other than children) AGAIN?

After being on Facebook for a few months, I am RELIEVED to be on Momglomerate again.  Facebook is an assault of private information and oversharing.  Blogging, by comparison, seems so much more intimate.  I am still able to share my thoughts with the wider world so that I feel less alone, but I can enjoy some of the relative "silence" of blogspot.  On Facebook, I was never on my own in a bad way--like an unhealthy, seizure-inducing way.  On Momglomerate, I am never on my own in a good way--like that I have valid thoughts worthy to be shared with others who might appreciate them.

Good work, Laura.  Thanks for writing and giving me so much to consider!


  1. "Seizure-inducing" is right. Between my iPhone and Facebook I feel like I can never just stop, relax, and breathe.
