Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Friday, April 29, 2011

"I'm Not Going To School Til I See That Royal Kiss!"

Oh, that is my daughter.

She is on the couch, totally ready to leave for school, wearing a jean jacket and shoes (fancy, bejeweled flats, perhaps in celebration of the Royal Wedding?).  She put her bookbag and lunchbox into the car in advance--commercial break.  We dried hair and brushed teeth in record time while the Royals are having their first reception inside of Buckingham Palace.

Now, Alyssa is doing her own countdown to the Royal Kiss. 9:19 and counting...

She says she will not budge until she has seen the kiss.  8:57.

We may be a bit late to school today.

You have to teach your kids about priorities.  Realistic ones.  As I am now.


  1. i may have been late for work due to the kiss (which lasted for such a small second that i happened to not have been looking the instant that they did it..... whyyyyyy?!)

  2. I know, right? We waited around for that silly, unromantic peck, only to be disappointed and late, ONLY TO FIND OUT THAT while we were on our way to school, they did a second (and apparently way better) kiss. hmph.
