Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Monday, April 25, 2011

I Dare You to Disprove This: Kids vs. Wild Jungle Monkeys :-)

I am reading satire by Dr. Denis Leary, and in a chapter entitled, "Your Kids Are Not Cute," in a book called, Why We Suck, he has made a point that made me laugh out loud and then ruminate on all day long because, try as I might, I can't disprove it!

Point: "The only things separating children from wild jungle monkeys IS pants.  Kids have them.  Jungle monkeys don't."

Think about it.

Then, just try to stop.

I dare you.

(And THEN, apply it to the nudist children of the Fluffernutters from my previous post and think about it more!)

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. This is so funny!

    I call my son "Monkey".. sometimes "Monster
    ... I swear I mean it in the most loving way... SERIOUSLY!

    But, I call him these things, because I feel that he is a monkey with a pair of pants.

    I think I want to read this book!
