Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Monday, May 2, 2011

Top of the Monday to You!

So, reader, how was your weekend?

Mine was the kind of weekend that makes you long for the week to begin anew so that you can have some peace!

We spent the majority of Saturday working on the yard.  We spent the majority of Sunday working on the inside of the house.  Then, we had our first open house Sunday from 1PM until 4PM.  The relief that I felt at 12:45 as we were leaving the house was immense.  The place looked and smelled (and probably even tasted) great!  We did a wonderful job, if I do say so myself.

The pool was worm- and mostly leaf-free.  The pool yard was edged, mowed, swept, weeded, and staged with a logs ready to be set aflame in the flagstone fire pit and seat cushions on and umbrella up at the dining table.

The lawn was totally striped out (via the lawnmowing finesse of one, Greg Holler).  Nary a dandelion dared raise its distracting golden head amongst the perfect emerald spripeyness.  There were no sticks or weeds detracting from the scene, either, thanks to yours truly.

I swept and trimmed and pruned and pulled and picked up bunches of yard debris while Greg whacked and blew and vacuumed up the rest of the shrapnel.  We carried on with this elaborate yard-perfect dance until past dark.

On Sunday morning, we woke bright and way-to-early to continue the cleaning fest.  He dusted while I washed windows.  He sprayed down bathrooms while I did the kitchen.  He vacuumed while I steam mopped.  He lit cinnamon bun candles while I simmered vanilla and coconut extracts on the stove.  He straightened hand towels while I cut lilacs for a vase.  We were beastly. 

(For the most part.  Will write about that in a bit.)

Never have we wanted to move more desperately than after spending more than 10 hours of our precious weekend in the trenches of house and yard maintenance...

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