Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dr. CRNP? Paging Dr. Holler? Hmmm...

Ok.  Here's what the research says about my Dr. Sausage-Fingers internal dilemma:  While it is possible that "Doctor" Sausage-Fingers has a I could obtain a Doctoral degree after a Master's degree in English to become a professor, "Dr. Holler"-style...he is not a Medical Doctor, which makes his "Doctor" nomenclature kind of misleading in his position within the medical field. So, it is likely that Dr. Sausage-Fingers calls himself Dr. Sausage-Fingers in order to command more respect from patients.  Maybe he thinks we would think less of him if he called himself Nurse Sausage-Fingers.  Maybe he watched the Focker movies and was traumatized by George Burns' treatment of Gaylord "Greg" Focker, the male nurse.

The bottom line: I am no closer to knowing the truth about the state of Doctor Sausage-Fingers doctoriness.  Maybe Dr. Sausage Fingers has a PhD--and a right to the title of "Doctor."  Or maybe he just prefers the sound of his name with Doctor in front of it.  It's a crap shoot.

What do I know for sure?  Well, I know that I used the word "maybe" a lot of times in this post.  I also know that I would sure like to be "Doctor Holler" someday.  Paging Dr. Holler.  Are you in Dr. Holler's class this semester?  Pause.  *Repeating mentally.*  That is actually the worst Doctor name ever!  Doctor Holler?!...that is like Doctor Pain...or Doctor Love.  It's like a bad joke.  Students would make a mockery of me (even moreso than poor Nurse Focker).

Life's dreams...up in smoke.  Thanks a lot Greg.   (Greg Holler, that is.  Not Greg Focker.)

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