You all listened patiently (I assume) to my musings about having a house for sale. I believe that I mentioned that, due to my psychotic, frenetic cleaning and staging behaviors (and perhaps among other minor factors as well), the house sold. Well, readers, settlement is nearly upon us. This is my last Saturday here, as settlement occurs next Friday morning.
Usually, the bummer of moving out of your home is buoyed by the excitement of moving into your next one. Desafortunamente (that's Spanish for unfortunately, and I much prefer its ring), this is not the case for us. The bummer of moving out of this house that we have loved...the one that Alyssa has gone to her first days of school from...the one that we brought baby Brooke home from the hospital to... *wow--my inner English major is freaking out at the prepositional mayhem of those last sentences!* is actually compounded by the fact that we will be moving into my old room at my parents.
We. As in me, Greg, Alyssa, Brooke, Ringo, and Hemi. As in, all six of us and all of our beds and clothing and stuff. We are all boomeranging back into my childhood bedroom. At my parents home. With my parents. Both of them. And all of their beds and furniture and clothes and stuff. And all of their cat and three dogs that don't like our dogs...and subsequently, gnaw on them and urinate all over the house in retaliation of their imposition.
So, four adults, two children, five dogs, and cat will be roomies. Cozy, right? Well, this arrangement seemed like a feasible idea--never an easy one, but a doable one--when it was supposed to last for a mere six weeks. Guess what? Our new home's completion date has been rescheduled from late August to OCTOBER!!! We are looking at three months, "best case scenario, with no weather delays," a la our realtor.
My poor, poor parents. Poor doggies-mine, who will be used as chew toys by their petulant doggie "aunties." Poor, poor, pitiful me!!
On the upside, this should make for excellent blog fodder, and I may even have time to post to my blog for the duration, as my friend will be back from her maternity leave to attend to the accounts that I have been doing in her absence :-)
I'm cleaning out the old room this evening... Since I left it twelve years ago, it has been used as:
-a garbage dump
-a playroom
-a craft room
-a knitting room
-a sewing room
-a nursery
-a spare bedroom
-a nursery again
-"Lila's" clothing boutique, per Alyssa
-an art studio
-a workout room
-a yoga dojo
-a reading room
-a man nest
-a decrepit furniture storage area
-collectible showroom
-photo shop
-framer's gallery
-pressed flower emporium, dot, dot.... (which so reminds me of the Bachelorette and smarmy Bentley).
Tune in to find out what I found up the latest saga begins!
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