Photos by Amanda Naylor,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Life Update #2!

I believe I have had the funny knocked right out of me...

It is summer vacation, and now I have TWO uber-demanding ladies simultaneously demanding my attention from dawn until dusk and wellll beyond.  I also have been working, riding, and packing up my house.

In my free time, I sleep (and watch the Bachelorette, but don't tell anyone!).

Many of you have requested a next post.  I hear you, I hear you.  I do.  But, I just sat down to write this and company showed up.

It is not meant to be at this exact moment, but I promise to try again soon.  Don't worry--I will bring my funny then.

1 comment:

  1. I know you are busy, so in the absence of reading Momglomerate, I started my own blog to compile all the random stories I find interesting from web news and beyond. check it out, maybe I can entertain you for 1/100th the amount of time which your blog entertained me :) -Jenna
